While both procedures are useful in areas where fat is more difficult to remove because it tends to be more fibrous. These include the back, and saddlebag area as well as the chest on men being treated for gynecomastia. Smartlipo uses laser light which converts the heat to melt the fat and VASER® uses ultrasonic sound waves which converts to heat to melt the fat. They are also useful when performing large volume liposuction. Both reduce bleeding which means that there will be less bruising, swelling, and pain, and faster healing.
Smartlipo uses laser technology to melt and liquefy the fat within the fat cells. In addition, it smoothes and tightens the skin to decrease the looseness that one sometimes sees with traditional liposuction. It can be utilized alone to treat smaller areas of fat, such as below the chin, or in combination with liposuction to remove larger areas of fat such as in the abdomen, flanks and thighs.
At SLEEK Surgical & MedSpa, we prefer VASER® Lipo. Our surgeons have found that using VASER® technology our results are more contoured, defined and has quick healing period. VASER® causes less damage to the sensory nerves in the area being treated. For treatment of areas that have some associated skin laxity, VASER® can be helpful in providing skin retraction. Another fantastic aspect of VASER is the ability in many cases to use local anesthesia. According to the VASER® website,
"Using a technique called LipoSelection, VASER® Lipo targets specific areas of the body. Ultrasonic waves break up and separate fat cells for removal, while leaving vital tissues unharmed.VASER® Lipo is so precise and gentle that patients typically report dramatic reshaping with little downtime. Physicians like VASER® Lipo because it gives them the precision to produce more predictable results — whereas traditional liposuction can result in lumpy or uneven areas."
f you want to know more or want to schedule a consultation please call 800.SLEEK.USA or Visit www.sleekmedspa.com to learn more or book a FREE Consultation call 800-SLEEKUSA (800-753-3587).