Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Who Can Benefit From A Tummy Tuck?

Many women AND men have excess amounts of skin around the abdomen due to many factors including dramatic weight loss or pregnancy. Sleek Surgical and MedSpa provides both men and women, abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck. Tummy Tuck surgery can remove excess folds of skin and tighten your abdominal muscles to create a lean, flat and well defined stomach. It can also diminish unsightly stretch marks. Because a diet and exercise cannot remove all excess skin, an abdominoplasty is the perfect solution to tone and refine the abdomen. If you've recently lost weight and continue to have soft, flabby skin around the abdomen, a tummy tuck can benefit you. The effects of a tummy tuck can be long lasting, provided you maintain a suitable weight.
Not everyone can benefit from a full abdominoplasty. There are several types of Tummy Tuck Surgery. A mini tummy tuck is performed when the fat or excess skin is below the navel, leaving a smaller scare when compared to other tummy tuck procedures. A Complete Tummy Tuck Surgery is performed when the excess skin or fat reaches above the navel. Tummy tuck surgery, in most cases, is performed within two to three hours and healing time is typically two weeks or less.

Both men and women can benefit from a tummy tuck when excess skin around the abdomen is present. Sleek Surgical and MedSpa offers a Free Consultation to discuss your options. Call today to schedule your Free Consultation and get the stomach and body you’ve always dreamed of! Call, 800-SLEEK-USA to schedule your Free Consultation or, fill out our convenient and simple Free Consultation form here;

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